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Ministry of Agriculture and International Rice Research Institute Announce 13th National Seed Congress in Varanasi from November 28-30, 2024 ...


  • Q. What are the 3 critical challenges for agriculture ?

    A. First, high input cost and low market prices making farming unviable. This is more severe in case of small and marginal farmers. Second, inadequate supply of quality input material in time. Third, appropriate schemes for sustainable development of small farmers below poverty line especially those in backward areas.
  • Q. What are the objectives of National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) towards addressing these challenges ?

    A. To build the critical capacity of the ICAR as a catalyzing agent for management of change in the Indian NARS (Component 1); To promote ‘production to consumption systems research' in priority areas/ themes to enhance productivity, nutrition, profitability, income and employment (Component 2); To improve livelihood security of rural people living in the selected disadvantaged regions through technology-led innovation systems, encompassing the wider process of social and economic change covering all stakeholders (Component 3); To build capacity to undertake basic and strategic research in frontier areas to meet challenges in technology development in the immediate and predictable future
  • Q. How do you see business perspective through innovative projects like NAIP?

    A. National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP)followed two approaches. (i). NAIP has developed, tested and successfully implemented a variety of integrated farming system models. They were implemented in 91 backward districts aiming at development of resource poor farmers. These farming communities are linked to the markets so as to get the remunerative prices for their produce. (ii). Another dimension of NAIP is on value chains linking the farmers to the markets providing market driven agricultural products. These two approaches are based on sustainability principle following environmentally compatible practices in a business perspective
  • Q. What are the three major interventions the newly formed Government should initiate to make Indian farmers empowered ?

    A. (i) A special program on integrated farming systems for the backward regions (ii)Transparency in input supply, price and policies.(iii) Simplification of procedures in all farm development schemes.
  • Q. Are you in favour of Genetically Modified (GM) Crops and foods ?

    A. Yes, but only after an indepth research on their effects on human & animal health and environment.
  • Q. Mechanization in India remains low and adds to that the shrinking labour force – causing stress on the productivity in field. What is your recommendation ?

    A. Availability of farm machinery as a business option is one of the means meeting the farm machine requirements of large number of small and medium farmers. More liberalized scheme for financing farming machinery clusters.
  • Q. How do you encourage youth to join agriculture ?

    A. Youth will be able to join agriculture through use of more technology in farming, value addition, and linking them to the markets. A number of skill development schemes are needed to train them on such areas. Simultaneously, the public system in research, education and extension need to provide relevant technology support.
  • Q. To help farmers, ICAR has taken up several activities and programs including NAIP. Are they really benefiting the farmers, and how ?

    A. NAIP has reached about 30,000 farmers directly and about two lakh farmers indirectly. The research system is able to address the farmer’s issues quickly and hence the success. Based on the farmers success led to horizontal expansion to adopt the same technology to the tune of 20 to 50% at different locations. Thus, NAIP has been able to provide a test platform showcasing its models as viable and effective in a number of farming situations ; ICAR is also reaching farmers through Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) and its research institutes. In view of the high level of attention and association of knowledge workers in the reach of farmers, ICAR has been able to effectively demonstrate its technologies through innovative means for the benefit of the farmers.
  • Q. “Economically and ecologically sound access to food for every Indian”. How far we are, according to you, from reaching this picture ?

    A. The country is in a position to produce enough food to meet the nation’s requirements. Considering large population below the poverty line, there is a need for an effective public policy and public distribution system to meet the food availability to the poor either free or at affordable price. Thus, India should be able to achieve nutritional security in the next five years. On ecological issue, it may take another two decades. As India is on rapid growth phase, ecological concerns will take that much time to be given higher priority as in the developed world.The country is now in rapid growth phase. Accelerated growth scenario will lead to rapid infusion of new technologies. Over time, they are bound to create environmental concerns. As the systems on environmental aspects are slowly evolving, it may take about two decades to put the regulatory and policy framework in place to address such issues effectively.

Regenerative Agriculture for Sustainable Development

14 Nov 2024

Dr Ashok Kumar Singh
Vice Chancellor, Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University

Name : Dr Ashok Kumar Singh

Designation : Vice Chancellor, Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University

Name : Dipali Mahato

Designation : Ornamental fishery farmer

Name : Mr Anil Ghanwat

Designation : President, Shetkari Sanghatana

Name : Dr Bindu R. Pillai

Designation : Acting Director and Head, Aquaculture Production and Environment Division, ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture

Name : Dr O.P. Yadav

Designation : Director, ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur



10 Apr 2024

Telecommunications Engineering Centre & ICAR release joint technical report

Telecommunications Engineering Centre & ICAR release joint technical report on how smart technologies can be integrated into traditional farming